The “Inside-Out” Mindset

The “inside-out” mindset is a way of looking at the world that emphasizes the role of one’s thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions in shaping one’s experiences and outcomes. This perspective holds that our internal states, such as our thoughts, emotions, and attitudes, have a direct impact on our external circumstances, rather than being solely determined by external factors.

In practical terms, this means that individuals who hold an inside-out mindset believe that by changing their internal states, such as their thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, they can change their external circumstances, such as their behaviors and outcomes.

This mindset is sometimes associated with the concept of personal responsibility, and the idea that individuals have the power to shape their own lives and experiences by taking control of their thoughts and beliefs.

This perspective is also associated with the notion of self-leadership, meaning that individuals need to take charge of their own thoughts and emotions, to lead and direct themselves towards their goals and aspirations.

In summary, the inside-out mindset emphasizes the role of internal states in shaping external experiences, and the belief that individuals have the power to change their circumstances by changing their thoughts and beliefs.

The “inside-out” mindset is a way of looking at the world that emphasizes the role of one’s thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions in shaping one’s experiences and outcomes. This perspective holds that our internal states, such as our thoughts, emotions, and attitudes, have a direct impact on our external circumstances, rather than being solely determined by external factors.

In practical terms, this means that individuals who hold an inside-out mindset believe that by changing their internal states, such as their thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes, they can change their external circumstances, such as their behaviors and outcomes. This mindset is often associated with the concept of personal responsibility and the idea that individuals have the power to shape their own lives and experiences by taking control of their thoughts and beliefs.

This perspective also suggests that the way we feel and think about a situation is more important than the situation itself. The way we interpret and react to events is what shapes our experience, rather than the events themselves. For example, if someone is laid off from their job, they may feel devastated and see it as a failure, or they may see it as an opportunity for a new chapter in their career.

In summary, the inside-out mindset emphasizes the role of internal states in shaping external experiences and the belief that individuals have the power to change their circumstances by changing their thoughts and beliefs. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their thoughts, emotions and actions, and to focus on the things they can control, rather than being at the mercy of external factors.

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Ogo Bishop-Felix

Coaching is Ogo’s calling and passion.

Ogo is loyal, tenacious and dedicated. She is also a very skilled Coach and exceptionally dedicated to listening to her clients and helping them learn new paths. 

There is one goal here; Ogo helps clients discover, build and strengthen their inner CORE leading to a massive self transformation. 

She helps clients master their inner CORE. Achieving this is the strong foundation upon which many successes and having a fulfilling life are built. It takes a skilled Coach to masterfully partner with a client on this journey to deliver results. Ogo is exceptional at this. 

A Leadership &
High-Performance Coach



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